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From the beginning of mankind man has known how to produce and vary colors from the use of materials found in nature such as petals of flowers, rocks, soil and animal materials. Evidence of this can be found in the colorful murals found in the caves of ancient man in various parts of the world. Painters of all time have learned as part of a professional specialization to make paints using methods passed down from generation to generation. An element of color design is nowadays associated with all areas of industry and design. Crafts, makeup, apparel, advertising, various industries and even the food industry. We witness that color is so significant in human culture and that it is a subject for changing fashions and trends.

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Since the visibility of color depends on the object, lighting and human perception, each of these factors has an effect on the end result. As designers, we have the ability to influence two of these factors, the object itself in terms of color, material, texture and structure, and the lighting.

How to choose the right color?

To answer this question we need to ask ourselves a number of additional questions: first and foremost, what is the concept of the space, what is the design message, who is the target audience, whether in the given space there are limitations such as size, height, density and shape. We will also be asked what we like, that is, what colors and shades will give us the desired feeling in the space as well as what colors will serve the purpose of the space and its uses.

Good To Know !

Colors have enormous impact, so much so that their diversity, even in a minor way, can affect the atmosphere and feel of the space. The common misconception is that dark colors "reduce" and reduce the space, so it is not recommended to use them in small and crowded spaces, or those that want to create a sense of size and space. Accordingly, it is also recommended to use dark or saturated colors in large rooms where you want to infuse an intimate feeling. Light colors create a sense of space so it is best to use them in small spaces or ones where we want to create a sense of space or "magnification".

A completely different approach holds that dark colors can have the complete opposite effect, in that they can blur the boundaries of space rather than diminish it. Accordingly, dark colors may create in the spaces an illusion of size and infinity and they can contribute to the “enlargement” of small spaces. These two opposing approaches indicate that apparently the darkness or lightness of the color has no decisive effect, but only in the combination of specific shades and in accordance with the given space on its various components.

Undoubtedly, saturated colors attract the eye and create stimuli, while soft pastel shades contribute to serenity and calm. Accordingly, it is not advisable to use high doses of "flashy" colors in spaces designed for rest, relaxation and sleep. On the other hand, these colors can also suit spaces designed to produce a "noise" feeling and encourage stimulation and alertness. At the same time, the perception of color is individual and can affect everyone individually, so when choosing the colors for your rooms, it is important to be attentive to your personal being. Often, personal taste can reflect the shades that soak up positive effects on you.

Monochromatic design in one color or its scale, different from using two or three different colors, complementary or contrasting. It is important to examine how the colors or shades fit together on the chosen scale and how the combination contributes to the fulfillment of the space's purpose.

  Colors combination

When determining the color scale for a project, it is recommended to choose three to five shades. A color scale of more than five colors is not perceived by the human eye and the effect obtained will be chaotic. The combination of color doses can range from a degree of equality to a division in which one or more colors will have dominance in space. For example, on a 3-color scale you can choose a shade or main color that will form a background and fill at least half of the space. After that, a secondary color or shade is chosen, usually darker or more saturated, in a lower dose than the first, which will fill about a third of the space, and finally a third shade is chosen that is the darkest and / or most saturated, which will fill about a sixth and below the space. The first color gives background and base, the second gives tone and the third creates the focus and interest points in the space.

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שאדי שריף

טאהירה שאקריאן

משרד אדריכלות ועיצוב פנים

רחוב חסן שוקרי 3 א'  קומת קרקע

 3304509 חיפה

טל: 04-8660005

פקס: 076-5106200

נייד: 0544-708408

© 2020  Shadi Sharif & Tahira shakerian.  created by Lilac 

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